Bird Book Pages

I own quite a lot of bird field guides.  Modern field guides are excellent but they just don’t have the entertainment value of the of older ones where someone has carefully drawn dead, possibly stuffed, birds in unfeasible postures, written something charming but not necessarily accurate about them, and then had the whole collection published using less than outstanding print techniques.  Not to be outdone, I have photographed some of my wholly inaccurate triangular paper birds interacting with sticks, and have written some lies about them.  I  have printed these pages on some lovely A4 mottled paper and mounted them in dark charcoal mounts.

Click on the links below to see the mounted pages in all my characteristically scruffily photographed glory.  Once there you can click on the picture to make it larger so you can read the ACTUAL WORDS!

And if you’re desperate to own one, they are £25 plus p&p. Sometimes they are available here: or you can contact me via my contact page, or message me on my facebook page


House sparrow:

Greater Spotted Woodpecker:

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker:


Song Thrush:




Tawny Owl:

